Service Provided General Dental Services
- Complete Exams, X-Rays, Dental Cleaning Filling and extractions
- Cosmetic dentistry, Crown and bridges
- Partial Dentures and complete dentures
- Orthodontic Services
- Braces
- Grownth modification
- Dentofacial Orthopaedics
- Sleep dentistry
- TMJ clinic
- Invisalign
Services by Oral Surgeon
- All minor surgical procedures
- Impaction, Marsupalistation, Cyst Removal, Apicoectomy
- Correction of skeletal deformities
- Trauma
Services by Periodontist
- Flap Surgery
- Bone grafting
- Laser associated gum procedures
- Treatment of precancerous lesions
Services by Pedodontist
- Pulpectomy
- Apexification
- SS Crown
- Space maintainers
- Preventive restoralive procedures
- Interceptive Orthodontics